The Armor Tzedakah Box
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2002, sterling silver and brass on Jerusalem stone base
Height 30cm, Width 25cm
Signed by the artist
It is taught in the name of Rabbi Elazar: What is the meaning of the pasuk “and
he donated charity like a coat of armor” (Isaiah 59:17). Why is giving charity
compared to a coat of armor? Just as with a coat of armor each metal scale
combines with the others to form a larger more protected armor, so with charity,
each coin combines with the others to comprise a larger sum. The more charity
we give, the more the mitzvah (good deed) of tzedakah protects us.
With this incredible concept in mind, the Armor Tzedakah Box was created. A
sterling silver armored knight’s helmet was created. The helmet is designed as an
authentic helmet from the medieval time period. Adorning the helmet is the word
“Tzedakah” with an opening for inserting money. A brass trimming was added for
elegance. To empty the charity box, one must unfasten the leather belt. The piece
is mounted on a Jerusalem stone base with its story on the facade.
Each work is one of a kind.