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2011, Southern stone
Height 11cm., Diameter 12cm
Limited edition, signed and numbered by the artist.
The Masada Mayim Acharonim design was inspired by the archeological findings
at King Herod’s fortified palace at Masada. After the destruction of the Second
Temple, members of the Sicarii and their families fled Jerusalem and settled on
Masada, using it as a base for harassing the Romans. Stone cups were found there
had been used to perform religious ceremonies. The Talmud in Masechet Shabbat
teaches us that “Stone vessels . . . and earth vessels do not absorb impurities,”
therefore these materials were suitable for purification.
The Masada Mayim Acharonim is hand-carved out of a solid piece of stone
quarried from the foot of the Masada mountain. The cup rests on a hollow base
that covers the impure water. Two small handles allow for easy use of the vessel.
Adorning the base in ancient Hebrew letters are the words “Mayim Acharonim,”
meaning “last waters.”
Each work is signed by the artist and is available in a limited edition.